Monday, October 19, 2015

Technology Coaches in Ames CSD

How technology is used in the classroom has changed drastically in the past few years. Technology is not used because it is new or shiny.  We use technology in learning environments because it allows us to be more effective or to do things that were not possible before.  We can use technology to create more engaging learning experiences that allow students to have more ownership of their learning or to give them new opportunities geared towards their own needs and desires.  Technology allows us to bring in experts without paying for an airline ticket or to allow for collaboration between students who may not be in the same school.

We do not use technology for technology's sake but must pair it with effective pedagogy.  As shown in the TPACK (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) framework, it is the combination of effective pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, and technical knowledge that can create a truly effective learning environment.  Technology by itself will not create an effective lesson; only when paired with good pedagogy will the technology improve the learning experience.

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With all students at Ames High School and Ames Middle School now equipped with their own district-purchased device, everyday support for teachers working to incorporate technology in the classroom is available through Technology Coaches Patrick Donovan (@donovanscience) and Jeremie Knutson (@JeremieKnutson). Both Tech Coaches have extensive teaching experience in the classroom and have used technology in effective ways with students before coming into their current roles to work with teachers.

A few weeks ago we had our all-district technology professional development and brought together all teachers, pre-K to 12th grade, to have a great learning experience centered around the use of technology in our classroom.  We had our own teachers sharing, as well as some outside consultants, in order to help teachers grow with their use of technology. Craig Badura,, was the keynote speaker who kicked off the day by focusing on digital citizenship. Over 90 sessions were available for teachers to choose from throughout the day in which there were many opportunities for teachers to practice what they were learning.

This day of learning helped get the momentum going for our teachers to try out new things in the classroom with the built in daily support of the Technology Coaches as they pair the technology with effective pedagogy to better improve student learning.  Patrick and Jeremie are there to support teachers through modeling instruction, co-teaching when technology is being used, or just to coach teachers through their planning and reflecting on lessons involving technology.  They would love to talk to you about how you are using technology in your class and help you explore new ideas to maximize tech’s impact on student learning.

Make sure to follow the District hashtag, #AmesCSD, to keep up with all of the amazing things happening in the Ames Community School District.

Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for teacher knowledge. The Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1017-1054.

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